You can make a difference!
Harness your passion for equality by fundraising your own way. Be it hosting an event, setting yourself a challenge or asking friends and family for donations on your birthday, there are many ways you can support a girl's education.
Fundraise for One Girl
DIY Fundraiser
Donate your birthday, host a dinner party or run a marathon. You can fundraise however you fancy, and set up your fundraising page to support your efforts.
Do It In A Dress
Take part in our Do It In A Dress campaign to raise funds and awareness for girls' education. Register your interest and start making a difference today!
Fundraising on Facebook is super quick to set up, it's easy to share your fundraiser with your friends and family and you can fundraise in any way you want!
Want to fundraise for girls' education but not quite sure where to start?
Give us a call or send us a message! We’re always here to chat more and support you in any way we can.
Reach out today and we'll reply to you ASAP.